Friday, April 29, 2011

My favorite movie

My favorite movie is the road home. I don’t know very well the actors that act in the movie but it’s a Chinese story based on a novel named remembrance. The road home is the story of a country side girl and a young teacher falling in love, and the teacher´s death, when they are old, brings back their son to the village for the funeral. The son rebuilds the love story of their parents, when they meet and when they moved away to each other.
The story takes place in a village, in the countryside and it is a very rural scenery, in china about the 1920.
I like this movie very much because it shows us the life, the respects for the elders, for the old traditions, and how the young people are leaving them.
My favorite part is when the teacher leaves the village and the young girl waits for him days and days in a snow storm, in a cold winter and she gets ill.
I like it because of the point of view of the movie about the little details, the Chinese people´s vision of the life, of the objects, close to nature, the reuse of old think and not only disposable objects.
I would change the politics part of the movie because it doesn’t tell us about why the teacher abandons the village; perhaps because in china it’s very difficult to show the politic topic, to express themselves in a very severe state. I would put this point very clearly.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Someone I admire

I think that one of the best persons who makes a revolution in education and shakes all spheres of the society is Howard Gardner because he made a revolution with his theory of multiple intelligence.
He said that people don’t have a general intelligence. He states that we have many different ways to learn and process information because these are independent each other
Intelligence is not a unity that we can measure with a number like the C.I.
In the Garner’s theory we find eight kinds of intelligence as linguistic, logic-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal.
That means that if we are not very good at mathematics, for example, that’s not because of our poor intelligence; It is because we have other intelligence more developed than logic-mathematical. We must be happy because we are good for other things that can be problematic for other person.  
In education this theory changes all that we know until now. In the classroom we must pay attention to the difference in children to improve the result. Teachers have to try to understand different learning  processes to promote meaningful learning.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Personal information

My name is Antonio Chihuaicura, I am from the south of Chile, 9th region, in the countryside.
I came to Santiago when I was seven years old but I got home on holidays. In santiago I live with my mother, I don´t have brothers and sisters. I have two uncles and one aunt. I like to practice ejercices but not Football or Basketball. I like practicing ejercices like Aikido, taewondo, oriental arts marcials, but like a style of life, not to fight. I speak Mapudungun language, so I try to improve it everyday and not to forget it, so I have a teacher who makes me work hard. In Santiago it is not easy to find somebody who speaks mapudungun. I don´t  like to go to parties very much, I think that´s boring, especially because I enjoy to sleep very much.
I know that English is very important for the world, it is important to read important papers from different universities, to communicate with people from different nacionalities. 
At weekend I work in a shop selling handcrafs at the top of the San Cristobal´s hill, so I have to understand something to make a good job. The foreigners used to ask me: do you speak English?, only a little bit, I used to answer. I used to speak with peolpe from different nationalities; From Japan, Greece, China, India, England, Soth Africa; and their English is diverse like their own countries. French don´t used to speak English; I think that they don´t like it.
I expect to improve my skills in oral and written English but I know that I have to study hardly.