Friday, November 8, 2013

Animals as victims of human impact in nature

I think that in all over the world, the animals, insect, plants and all kind of life, the human being included, are victims of human impact of theirs buildings, cities, pollutions, garbage, industries, deforestations, and of course, our modern kind of life, the easy way to obtains thinks, to use a cup and throw away because we are not be able to clean and wash it, the indiscriminate used of plastic thinks in our life, plastic bags, plastic dishes, plastic packing, plastic people....we cannot escape at the influence of plastic and its terrible effects in the earth.  I am referring to the throw-away thinks that we use, without recyclable. I think that our unconsciousness of our acts are the motives of the problems that we have now. The huge and native ancient forest were uproot to build the comfortable wood houses, to have firewood, and the clean ground  is used to plant foreigners trees, that grow fast, trees that consume 80 litres of water at day, trees that give toxically elements for the ground, animals and people but it gives to some people a lot of many. We have the Monito del Monte, Darwin Frogs, Puma, Condor, Pudu, same kind of turtles, birds, all are endangered species. They not only are in dangerous of extinction because their natural home is being destroying, however, they are illegal hunted for fun and enjoy hunting, to have a exotic MASCOTA, or to traffic  some of their body like the elephants in Asia and Africa because of its ivory horn, or the Armadillo in the north of Chile. The excessive growing of cities, the illegal hunting, the industries and the contamination affect the wild fauna. There are some ecological groups that are helping to save some animals, they are making consciousness but it is not enough. It is task of all people. 


  1. Animal trafficking is terrible! is morbid and insensitive!

  2. I think just like you,it's despicable and we can made the difference with simple thinks like recycling plastic bottle, using paper bags, etc.

  3. the acts human damage the earth, the animals endangered suffer for your irresponsability

  4. traffic of exotic animals is a so dangerous like pollution, and industry human activity.

  5. Really the humans not understand the damage that we cause to the world
    We think we progress but in my opinion it is all the opposite :(

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Human Race...the most dangerous specie, so sad =/

  8. It is very sad that animals pay for the actions of the human race.

  9. Is very interesting know what are the animals that are in dangeruous.
